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EnvironmentsPresetsRocksEvery distinct environment - planet surface, individual cave, asteroid field is assigned one of the several environment configurations which reference various presets. A preset is a collection of possible rock compositions.
Environment HPP_Stanton3a
Found in:


ResourceTotal amountMoney value
TotalShip: 92697
ROC: 82657
Cluster Type 113.79%
8 to 10 items0.06%
6 to 8 items0.29%
4 to 6 items0.57%
Single item0.30%
AtacamiteMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1800
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.04%
6 to 8 items0.19%
4 to 6 items0.38%
Single item0.20%
Harvestable Mining_Felsic_Aluminium(codename Naughty Freud)
FelsicMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1770
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
GneissMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1840
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.23%
4 to 6 items0.46%
Single item0.24%
Harvestable Mining_Shale_Aluminium(codename Musing Mestorf)
ShaleMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1730
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.25%
4 to 6 items0.49%
Single item0.26%
FelsicMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1770
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
GneissMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1840
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.23%
4 to 6 items0.46%
Single item0.24%
Harvestable Mining_Obsidian_Corundum(codename Gifted Bose)
ObsidianMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1790
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.25%
4 to 6 items0.49%
Single item0.26%
GraniteMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1920
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.06%
6 to 8 items0.29%
4 to 6 items0.57%
Single item0.30%
AtacamiteMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1800
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.25%
4 to 6 items0.49%
Single item0.26%
Harvestable Mining_Felsic_Tungsten(codename Serene Nobel)
FelsicMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1770
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
GneissMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1840
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.23%
4 to 6 items0.46%
Single item0.24%
IgneousMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1950
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.25%
4 to 6 items0.49%
Single item0.26%
GraniteMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1920
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
Cluster Type 228.74%
16 to 20 items0.78%
10 to 16 items3.88%
4 to 10 items7.76%
Single item1.38%
Harvestable FPSMining_Aphorite_Large(codename Zen Lehmann)
AphoriteMineableRockFPS_LargeSpawns at least 1 elementsRadar signature: 620
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aphorite50% to 100%50%
16 to 20 items0.78%
10 to 16 items3.88%
4 to 10 items7.76%
Single item1.38%
Harvestable FPSMining_Dolivine_Large(codename Sad Perlman)
DolivineMineableRockFPS_LargeSpawns at least 1 elementsRadar signature: 620
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Dolivine50% to 100%50%
16 to 20 items0.06%
10 to 16 items0.32%
4 to 10 items0.65%
Single item0.11%
HadaniteMineableRockFPS_LargeSpawns at least 1 elementsRadar signature: 620
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Hadanite50% to 100%50%
Cluster Type 357.47%
16 to 20 items1.55%
10 to 16 items7.76%
4 to 10 items15.52%
Single item2.76%
AphoriteMineableRockFPSSpawns at least 1 elementsRadar signature: 120
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aphorite50% to 100%50%
16 to 20 items1.55%
10 to 16 items7.76%
4 to 10 items15.52%
Single item2.76%
Harvestable FPSMining_Dolivine(codename Awesome Curie)
DolivineMineableRockFPSSpawns at least 1 elementsRadar signature: 120
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Dolivine50% to 100%50%
16 to 20 items0.13%
10 to 16 items0.65%
4 to 10 items1.29%
Single item0.23%
HadaniteMineableRockFPSSpawns at least 1 elementsRadar signature: 120
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Hadanite50% to 100%50%