Local time
UTC time
De facto PU time
Official universe time
EnvironmentsPresetsRocksEvery distinct environment - planet surface, individual cave, asteroid field is assigned one of the several environment configurations which reference various presets. A preset is a collection of possible rock compositions.
ResourceTotal amountMoney value
TotalShip: 14966
ROC: 0
Crusader C2 Hercules Starlifter0.0045
Cluster Type 191.43%
3 to 15 items30.32%
3 to 8 items30.32%
3 to 5 items30.32%
Single unit0.45%
Cluster Type 28.57%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidETypeMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1900
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidMTypeMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1850
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidPTypeMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1750
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidQTypeMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1870
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidSTypeMineableRock_AluminiumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1720
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Aluminum30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidCTypeMineableRock_CopperSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1700
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidETypeMineableRock_CopperSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1900
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidMTypeMineableRock_CopperSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1850
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidPTypeMineableRock_CopperSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1750
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidQTypeMineableRock_CopperSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1870
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidCTypeMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1700
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidETypeMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1900
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidMTypeMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1850
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidPTypeMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1750
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidQTypeMineableRock_CorundumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1870
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Corundum30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidETypeMineableRock_IronSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1900
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidMTypeMineableRock_IronSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1850
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidPTypeMineableRock_IronSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1750
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidQTypeMineableRock_IronSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1870
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidSTypeMineableRock_IronSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1720
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Copper30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidCTypeMineableRock_QuartzSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1700
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Quartz30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidETypeMineableRock_QuartzSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1900
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Quartz30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidMTypeMineableRock_QuartzSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1850
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Quartz30% to 70%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidQTypeMineableRock_QuartzSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1870
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Quartz30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidCTypeMineableRock_TitaniumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1700
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Titanium30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidETypeMineableRock_TitaniumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1900
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Titanium30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidMTypeMineableRock_TitaniumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1850
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Titanium30% to 70%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidPTypeMineableRock_TitaniumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1750
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Titanium30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidQTypeMineableRock_TitaniumSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1870
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Titanium30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidSTypeMineableRock_TitaniumSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1720
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Titanium30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidCTypeMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1700
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Hephaestanite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidETypeMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1900
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidMTypeMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1850
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Agricium30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.01%
Single item0.21%
AsteroidQTypeMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 3 elementsRadar signature: 1870
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Borase30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%
4 to 5 items0.00%
3 to 4 items0.01%
2 to 3 items0.02%
Single item0.23%
AsteroidSTypeMineableRock_TungstenSpawns at least 2 elementsRadar signature: 1720
ResourceAmountSpawn chance
Tungsten30% to 70%30%
Beryl30% to 60%30%
Laranite30% to 60%30%
Gold20% to 50%20%
Taranite20% to 50%20%
Bexalite20% to 50%20%
Quantanium20% to 50%20%