Environment HPP_Stanton4c
Found in:Locations
Resource | Total amount | Money value |
Total | Ship: 95076 ROC: 74731 | |
Dolivine | 495.3556 | 64396 |
Aphorite | 67.5485 | 10335 |
Quartz | 4.4950 | 1780 |
Copper | 4.4845 | 1682 |
Corundum | 4.1993 | 1575 |
Hephaestanite | 2.5016 | 6807 |
Taranite | 2.3444 | 17796 |
Gold | 2.2427 | 17401 |
Beryl | 2.0562 | 5496 |
Bexalite | 1.9453 | 14763 |
Borase | 1.4607 | 5082 |
Laranite | 0.8720 | 2610 |
Agricium | 0.7772 | 2104 |
Quantanium | 0.7572 | 17982 |
Hadanite | 0.0000 | 0 |
Cluster Type 113.79%
8 to 10 items0.06%
6 to 8 items0.29%
4 to 6 items0.57%
Single item0.31%
Harvestable Mining_Gneiss_Copper(codename Silly Pare)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Copper | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Hephaestanite | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
Harvestable Mining_Quartzite_Copper(codename Hardcore Aristotle)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Copper | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Hephaestanite | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Agricium | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.25%
4 to 6 items0.49%
Single item0.26%
Harvestable Mining_Shale_Copper(codename Festive Thompson)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Copper | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Laranite | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
Harvestable Mining_Granite_Copper(codename Loving Chatterjee)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Copper | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Borase | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
Harvestable Mining_Felsic_Corundum(codename Serene Sinoussi)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Corundum | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Beryl | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.06%
6 to 8 items0.29%
4 to 6 items0.57%
Single item0.31%
Harvestable Mining_Gneiss_Corundum(codename Upbeat Driscoll)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Corundum | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Hephaestanite | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.25%
4 to 6 items0.49%
Single item0.26%
Harvestable Mining_Obsidian_Corundum(codename Gifted Bose)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Corundum | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Beryl | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Borase | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
Harvestable Mining_Granite_Corundum(codename Priceless Rosalind)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Corundum | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Borase | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.06%
6 to 8 items0.31%
4 to 6 items0.61%
Single item0.33%
Harvestable Mining_Atacamite_Quartz(codename Sleepy Nash)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Quartz | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Hephaestanite | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Agricium | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.27%
4 to 6 items0.53%
Single item0.28%
Harvestable Mining_Felsic_Quartz(codename Distracted Moore)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Quartz | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Beryl | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.05%
6 to 8 items0.25%
4 to 6 items0.49%
Single item0.26%
Harvestable Mining_Gneiss_Quartz(codename Dazzling Shirley)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Quartz | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Hephaestanite | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
8 to 10 items0.06%
6 to 8 items0.29%
4 to 6 items0.57%
Single item0.31%
Harvestable Mining_Igneous_Quartz(codename Magical Curran)
Resource | Amount | Spawn chance |
Quartz | 30% to 70% | 30% |
Laranite | 30% to 60% | 30% |
Gold | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Taranite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Bexalite | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Quantanium | 20% to 50% | 20% |
Cluster Type 228.74%
16 to 20 items0.19%
10 to 16 items0.97%
4 to 10 items1.94%
Single item0.34%
Harvestable FPSMining_Aphorite_Large(codename Zen Lehmann)
16 to 20 items1.42%
10 to 16 items7.11%
4 to 10 items14.22%
Single item2.53%
Harvestable FPSMining_Dolivine_Large(codename Sad Perlman)
16 to 20 items0.00%
10 to 16 items0.00%
4 to 10 items0.00%
Single item0.00%
Harvestable FPSMining_Hadanite_Large(codename Recursing Noyce)
Cluster Type 357.47%
16 to 20 items0.39%
10 to 16 items1.94%
4 to 10 items3.88%
Single item0.69%
Harvestable FPSMining_Aphorite(codename Suspicious Ishizaka)
16 to 20 items2.84%
10 to 16 items14.22%
4 to 10 items28.45%
Single item5.06%
Harvestable FPSMining_Dolivine(codename Awesome Curie)
16 to 20 items0.00%
10 to 16 items0.00%
4 to 10 items0.00%
Single item0.00%
Harvestable FPSMining_Hadanite(codename Youthful Eratosthenes)