Missing Person -or- Searching for Last -or- Missing Persons Report -or- Missing Persons Case
AUEC18 KType: Investigation(codename Bold Allen)
Internal name: PU_Derelict_Recovery_MissingPerson_Lawful_Stanton2
This name is visible in
when the mission is tracked - it is the most reliable way to correctly identify it.Organization: Dashiell Appraisal Services -or- Carson & Meeks Investigations -or- TriStar Private Intelligence
Availability: Crusader
Marked as unavailable in LIVE | NO |
Automatically offered by the mission broker | YES |
Unverified offer | NO |
Illegal | NO |
Shareable with party | YES |
Must be clean | YES |
Prison mission | NO |
Spawns NPC ship(s) | NO |
Spawns NPCs on foot | NO |
Must haul cargo | NO |
Notify when available | NO |
Max instances per server at any moment in time | 2 |
Max instances per player at any moment in time | 1 |
Max players that can accept the same instance | 1 |
Max instance lifetime when offered in the mobiGlass | 30 minutes ±5 minutes |
Cooldown after completing | 1 minute ±1 minute |
Cooldown after abandoning/failing | 1 minute ±1 minute |
Unverified Offer
Spawns NPC ships
Spawns NPCs on foot
Must haul cargo
Cargo loot
Rep Scope
Mission group
Mission locations
MDSE_MissionLocation | ActiveDerelictLocation System.Stanton.Crusader |
String parameters
Parameter | Possible values |
Danger | @procedural_text_null We would be remiss if we did not remind you that venturing into the wreck site will potentially be hazardous, and all caution should be used. It goes without saying, but be careful out there. We would hate for whatever or whoever happened to the ~mission(Ship) to happen to you. It's possible that the ~mission(Ship) was the victim of foul play, so make sure to take your time and don't get sloppy. Caution is the keyword. |
Timed | @procedural_text_null We would all like to see this matter closed as quickly as possible, and as such, a certain amount urgency is warranted. We've been asked to expedite matters, and are looking to settle this ASAP. ~mission(TargetName|First) has been missing for some time, so anything you could do to settle this as quickly as possible would be great. |
Location | the ship's remains the last point of contact the ~mission(Ship)'s last known position the wreckage the wreck site the ~mission(Ship)'s remains the derelict |
Title | Missing Person Searching for ~mission(TargetName|Last) Missing Persons Report Missing Persons Case |
Description | The family of ~mission(TargetName) is hoping to find some closure. While there is confirmation that the ~mission(Ship) ~mission(TargetName|First)were serving aboard did not survive its journey, the family wants to know for sure what happened. ~mission(Contractor) is looking for someone with tact and discretion to investigate ~mission(Location) and see if they can learn ~mission(TargetName|First)'s fate. ~mission(Timed)~mission(Danger)Your assistance in the matter is appreciated. Recently, a ~mission(Ship) ran into some unfortunate luck and was destroyed. Since around that same time, no one has heard or seen ~mission(TargetName) and it is our current belief that they may have been aboard when the ~mission(Ship) met its fate. We are looking for a contractor to complete a survey onsite at ~mission(Location) and ascertain if ~mission(TargetName|Last) is there. ~mission(Timed)~mission(Danger) We are in need of a contractor to locate one, ~mission(TargetName), who was last seen working aboard a ~mission(Ship) that was recently reported as destroyed. ~mission(Timed)~mission(Danger)Payment will be issued upon receiving confirmation of ~mission(TargetName|Last)'s whereabouts. ~mission(Contractor) is currently seeking a contractor to help confirm the status of ~mission(TargetName). According to our initial research, it is believed that ~mission(TargetName|First) was serving aboard a ~mission(Ship) that befell a tragic accident. We would require you to travel to ~mission(Location) and conduct an onsite search, so that we may determine if ~mission(TargetName|First) did indeed perish aboard and inform the parents. ~mission(Timed)~mission(Danger) Not expecting a happy outcome on this one. ~mission(TargetName) was last heard from when they boarded a ~mission(Ship). That same ship was reported destroyed. Now, the family wants to confirm what happened one way or the other. That's where you come in. Go, search ~mission(Location), locate ~mission(TargetName|Last) and we can hopefully give them a little peace of mind. ~mission(Timed)~mission(Danger) |
Contractor | Dashiell Appraisal Services Carson & Meeks Investigations TriStar Private Intelligence |
Mission text