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Hardline Hard Hat Black

Universal Finder Link

Stegman's Hardline 7800 is the latest in a proud line of safety wear. The Hardline is constructed from the same high-density plastics used in some body armor.

Type: Char_Clothing_Hat
Category: scu_hat Set_03 Color_01 KeepsShape $hatHair+
Carryable: yes
Volume: 3200 µSCU
Internal identifier: scu_hat_03_01_01
Found in:


StantonClioClio: Rayari Cantwell Research OutpostClio: Friendly Kirch OutpostClio: Eloquent Hermann OutpostClio: Rayari McGrath Research OutpostCalliopeCalliope: Shubin Mining Facility SMCa-8Calliope: Rayari Anvik Research OutpostCalliope: Epic Gates OutpostCalliope: Nice Mclaren OutpostCalliope: Shubin Mining Facility SMCa-6Calliope: Rayari Kaltag Research OutpostmicroTech: Nuiqsut Emergency SheltermicroTech: Calhoun Pass Emergency SheltermicroTech: Sad Kowalevski OutpostmicroTech: Rayari Deltana Research OutpostmicroTech: Shubin Mining Facility SM0-10microTech: Point Wain Emergency SheltermicroTech: Outpost 54microTech: Clear View Emergency SheltermicroTech: Shubin Mining Facility SM0-22microTech: Focused Rutherford OutpostmicroTech: Infallible Spence OutpostmicroTech: Epic Khorana OutpostmicroTech: Brave Jones OutpostmicroTech: Shubin Mining Facility SM0-18microTech: The NecropolismicroTech: Shubin Mining Facility SM0-13ArialArial: Wonderful Khayyam OutpostArial: Hardcore Aryabhata OutpostArial: HDMS-BezdekArial: HDMS-LathanItaIta: HDMS-RyderIta: HDMS-WoodruffIta: Awesome Hippocrates OutpostIta: Affectionate Wright OutpostAberdeenAberdeen: Barton Flats Aid ShelterAberdeen: Elastic Easley OutpostAberdeen: HDMS-NorgaardAberdeen: Sweet Ptolemy OutpostAberdeen: Lucid Hippocrates OutpostAberdeen: HDMS-AndersonMagdaMagda: HDMS-PerlmanMagda: HDMS-HahnMagda: Great Poitras OutpostMagda: Eager Bassi OutpostHurston: HDMS-PinewoodHurston: Focused Jackson OutpostHurston: Great Mcnulty OutpostHurston: HDMS-HadleyHurston: Pensive Yalow OutpostHurston: HDMS-StanhopeHurston: Affectionate Chatelet OutpostHurston: Affectionate Bhabha OutpostHurston: HDMS-ThedusHurston: HDMS-OpareiHurston: Magical Hofstadter OutpostHurston: HDMS-EdmondCellinCellin: PRIVATE PROPERTYCellin: Kind Heisenberg OutpostCellin: Julep Ravine Aid ShelterCellin: Terra Mills HydroFarmCellin: Gifted Shockley OutpostCellin: Ashburn Channel Aid ShelterCellin: Tram & Myers MiningCellin: Priceless Garga OutpostCellin: Mogote Aid ShelterCellin: Hickes Research OutpostCellin: Flanagan's Ravine Aid ShelterDaymarDaymar: Mystifying Murdock OutpostDaymar: Eager Flats Aid ShelterDaymar: Shubin Mining Facility SCD-1Daymar: Dunlow Ridge Aid ShelterDaymar: Brave Pascal OutpostDaymar: ArcCorp Mining Area 141Daymar: Tamdon Plains Aid ShelterDaymar: Nuen Waste ManagementDaymar: Kudre OreDaymar: Wolf Point Aid ShelterDaymar: Confident Boyle OutpostYelaYela: Aston Ridge Aid ShelterYela: Heuristic Keller OutpostYela: Nakamura Valley Aid ShelterYela: ArcCorp Mining Area 157Yela: Deakins Research OutpostYela: Recursing Pascal OutpostYela: NT-999-XXYela: Talarine Divide Aid ShelterYela: Kosso Basin Aid ShelterYela: Benson Mining OutpostYela: Cool Stonebraker OutpostWalaWala: Dreamy Watt OutpostWala: ArcCorp Mining Area 048Wala: Busy Clarke OutpostWala: Competent Hofstadter OutpostWala: ArcCorp Mining Area 056Wala: ArcCorp Mining Area 061Wala: Naughty Galois OutpostWala: ArcCorp Mining Area 045LyriaLyria: Happy Booth OutpostLyria: Loveridge Mineral ReserveLyria: Shubin Mining Facility SAL-5Lyria: The OrphanageLyria: Shubin Mining Facility SAL-2Lyria: Humboldt MinesLyria: Confident Lehmann Outpost

Loot Archetypes
