Item Type: Heavy Armor
Damage Reduction: 40%
Temp. Rating: -75 / 225 °C
Backpack Compatibility: All
Designed to extend the limits of Human endurance, the Pembroke was built to withstand the extreme heat of inhospitable high temperature environments. Based off of Caldera's best-in-class exploration armor platform, an advanced sensor suite intelligently adjusts to environmental conditions so the wearer's body temperature remains stable. The special RSI Edition of the Pembroke ensures those seeking to cross bold new horizons do so in style.
Type: Char_Armor_Undersuit
Subtype: Heavy
Category: clda_utility_heavy Set_02 Color_01 $armor_mobi++ SM_RestrictedArm fakeChestUIcontainer
Carryable: yes
Volume: 572000 µSCU
Internal capacity: 22000 µSCU
Internal identifier: clda_utility_heavy_suit_02_01_01Found in: