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Overlord Core Dust Storm

Universal Finder Link

Item Type: Heavy Armor

Damage Reduction: 40%

Carrying Capacity: 12k µSCU

Temp. Rating: -77 / 107 °C

Backpack Compatibility: All

Some consider the Overlords heroes and other criminals. Doomsday doesn't care either way. All we know is that the vigilante group that made a name for itself targeting outlaws in Pyro has some kickass, distinct, and resilient armor. Since we respect the rule of law as much as they do, we made a limited run of armor inspired by them. If they have a problem with it, they can come find us.

The Overlord armor lets your foes know that you mean business. This heavy armor set is constructed with durable composite plating strategically placed to disperse the force of impacts and a high, reinforced collar that provides additional protection for your neck and back of head. The suit also layers in high-strength synthetic fabrics around the joints to ensure ease of moment without sacrificing safety. The Overlord is available in several distinct colors worn by members of the (in)famous faction. Maybe just don't wear one while in Pyro unless you're looking for trouble. Don't say we didn't warn you!

Type: Char_Armor_Torso
Subtype: Heavy
Category: Survival_Heavy Set_01 Color_20 SM_RestrictedArm
Carryable: yes
Volume: 110000 µSCU
Internal capacity: 12000 µSCU
Internal identifier: srvl_armor_heavy_core_01_01_20
Found in:


StantonClioClio: Lucid Rhodes CaveClio: Modest Galois CaveClio: Practical Jang CaveClio: Trusting Mendel CaveEuterpeEuterpe: Busy Darwin CaveEuterpe: Affectionate Wu CaveEuterpe: Interesting Maxwell CaveEuterpe: Hardcore Elgamal CaveEuterpe: Lucid Ellis CaveCalliopeCalliope: Agitated Nobel CaveCalliope: Relaxed Hopper CaveCalliope: Sweet Lederberg CavemicroTech: Great Fermi CavemicroTech: Xenodochial Johnson CavemicroTech: Amazing Chaum CavemicroTech: Angry Mayer CavemicroTech: Vigorous Curran CavemicroTech: Jovial Brahe CaveAberdeenAberdeen: Sleepy Taussig CaveAberdeen: Festive Almeida CaveAberdeen: Strange Boyd CaveAberdeen: Stupefied Wu CaveAberdeen: Objective Mendeleev CaveAberdeen: HDES-Dobbs (NA)Hurston: Amazing Wilson CaveHurston: Ecstatic Ride CaveHurston: HDES-Calthrope (NA)Hurston: Blissful Shirley CaveHurston: Wonderful Dubinsky CaveHurston: Nervous Khayyam CaveDaymarDaymar: Upbeat Knuth CaveDaymar: Eager Drake CaveDaymar: Vigorous Thompson CaveDaymar: Kudre Ore Mine (Closed)Daymar: Nice Herschel CaveDaymar: Kind Dirac CaveEuterpe: Devlin Scrap & SalvageHurston: Reclamation & Disposal OrinthDaymar: Brio's Breaker YardWala: Samson & Son's Salvage CenterClio: Vibrant Borg Abandoned OutpostEuterpe: Suspicious Black Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: DunboromicroTech: Intelligent Beaver Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Harper's PointmicroTech: Distracted Feynman Crash SitemicroTech: Hopeful Albattani Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Unruffled Einstein Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Modest Galois Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Xenodochial Cousteau Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Nifty Margulis Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Boring Antonelli Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Cranky Lehmann Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Dreamy Gould Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Relaxed Goldberg Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Boring Greider Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Keen Kalam Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Eloquent Jones Abandoned OutpostIta: Jovial Cousteau Abandoned OutpostIta: Vigilant Meninsky Abandoned OutpostMagda: Funny Cartwright Abandoned OutpostHurston: ZephyrHurston: Blissful Gauss Abandoned OutpostHurston: Determined Boyd BunkerHurston: Focused Ellis Abandoned OutpostHurston: Dreamy Tereshkova Abandoned OutpostHurston: Cool Keldysh Abandoned OutpostHurston: Great Satoshi Abandoned OutpostHurston: Wizardly Maxwell Abandoned OutpostHurston: Eager Pythagoras Abandoned OutpostHurston: Affectionate Poincare Abandoned OutpostHurston: Condescending Morse Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Heuristic Einstein Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Affectionate Blackwell Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Gifted Chebyshev Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Recursing Lederberg Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Zealous Nightingale Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Quizzical Yonath Abandoned OutpostYela: Silly Shoemaker Abandoned OutpostYela: Nice Lalande Abandoned OutpostWala: Sharp Chandrasekhar Abandoned OutpostLyria: Cool Volta Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Raven's RoostHurston: Echo IslandDaymar: JumptownWala: Paradise CoveCalliope: Stupefied Aryabhata Crash SitemicroTech: Ecstatic Tharp Crash SitemicroTech: FrostbitemicroTech: Astor's ClearingmicroTech: Xenodochial Shockley Crash SitemicroTech: Ghost HollowArialArial: Elastic Brattain Crash SiteItaIta: Cranky Lederberg Crash SiteAberdeen: Focused Hipparchus Crash SiteMagdaMagda: Exciting Engelbart Crash SiteMagda: Dreamy Proskuriakova Crash SiteHurston: Finn's FollyHurston: Picker's FieldHurston: LudlowHurston: RappelHurston: Weeping CoveHurston: Maker's PointHurston: Cutter's RigCellinCellin: Priceless Hilbert Crash SiteDaymar: Charming Fermat CaveYelaYela: Hardcore Bardeen Crash SiteWalaWala: Bold Margulis Crash SiteWala: Angry Noether Crash SiteLyriaLyria: Vibrant Stonebraker Crash SiteLyria: Elegant Meninsky Crash SitemicroTech: Covalex Distribution Centre S4DC05Hurston: HDPC-CassilloHurston: Sakura Sun Magnolia WorkcentermicroTech: microTech Logistics Depot S4LD01microTech: Cry-Astro Processing Plant 34-12Hurston: HDPC-FarneswaymicroTech: Cry-Astro Processing Plant 19-02Hurston: Covalex Distribution Centre S1DC06Hurston: Greycat Stanton I Production Complex-BHurston: Dupree Industrial Manufacturing FacilitymicroTech: Sakura Sun Goldenrod WorkcentermicroTech: microTech Logistics Depot S4LD13microTech: Greycat Stanton IV Production Complex-ACellin: Security Post Kareah

Loot Presets
