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Morozov-SH Arms Aftershock

Universal Finder Link

Item Type: Heavy Armor

Damage Reduction: 40%

Temp. Rating: -90 / 115 °C

Featuring fortified armor plating, special anti-rip protective padding and ample storage, the Morozov-SH is ready to overcome all kinds of adversity. After consulting with security professionals, RRS added a unique high protective collar and a lightweight inner lining based on their recommendation; making the Morozov-SH both comfortable and a battlefield stalwart.

Type: Char_Armor_Arms
Subtype: Heavy
Category: rrs_specialist_heavy Set_01 Color_12
Carryable: yes
Volume: 34000 µSCU
Internal identifier: rrs_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_12
Found in:


StantonClioClio: Lucid Rhodes CaveClio: Modest Galois CaveClio: Practical Jang CaveClio: Trusting Mendel CaveEuterpeEuterpe: Busy Darwin CaveEuterpe: Affectionate Wu CaveEuterpe: Interesting Maxwell CaveEuterpe: Hardcore Elgamal CaveEuterpe: Lucid Ellis CaveCalliopeCalliope: Agitated Nobel CaveCalliope: Relaxed Hopper CaveCalliope: Sweet Lederberg CavemicroTech: Great Fermi CavemicroTech: Xenodochial Johnson CavemicroTech: Amazing Chaum CavemicroTech: Angry Mayer CavemicroTech: Vigorous Curran CavemicroTech: Jovial Brahe CaveAberdeenAberdeen: Sleepy Taussig CaveAberdeen: Festive Almeida CaveAberdeen: Strange Boyd CaveAberdeen: Stupefied Wu CaveAberdeen: Objective Mendeleev CaveAberdeen: HDES-Dobbs (NA)Hurston: Amazing Wilson CaveHurston: Ecstatic Ride CaveHurston: HDES-Calthrope (NA)Hurston: Blissful Shirley CaveHurston: Wonderful Dubinsky CaveHurston: Nervous Khayyam CaveDaymarDaymar: Upbeat Knuth CaveDaymar: Eager Drake CaveDaymar: Vigorous Thompson CaveDaymar: Kudre Ore Mine (Closed)Daymar: Nice Herschel CaveDaymar: Kind Dirac CaveEuterpe: Devlin Scrap & SalvageHurston: Reclamation & Disposal OrinthDaymar: Brio's Breaker YardWala: Samson & Son's Salvage CenterClio: Vibrant Borg Abandoned OutpostEuterpe: Suspicious Black Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: DunboromicroTech: Intelligent Beaver Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Harper's PointmicroTech: Distracted Feynman Crash SitemicroTech: Hopeful Albattani Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Unruffled Einstein Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Modest Galois Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Xenodochial Cousteau Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Nifty Margulis Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Boring Antonelli Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Cranky Lehmann Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Dreamy Gould Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Relaxed Goldberg Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Boring Greider Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Keen Kalam Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Eloquent Jones Abandoned OutpostIta: Jovial Cousteau Abandoned OutpostIta: Vigilant Meninsky Abandoned OutpostMagda: Funny Cartwright Abandoned OutpostHurston: ZephyrHurston: Blissful Gauss Abandoned OutpostHurston: Determined Boyd BunkerHurston: Focused Ellis Abandoned OutpostHurston: Dreamy Tereshkova Abandoned OutpostHurston: Cool Keldysh Abandoned OutpostHurston: Great Satoshi Abandoned OutpostHurston: Wizardly Maxwell Abandoned OutpostHurston: Eager Pythagoras Abandoned OutpostHurston: Affectionate Poincare Abandoned OutpostHurston: Condescending Morse Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Heuristic Einstein Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Affectionate Blackwell Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Gifted Chebyshev Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Recursing Lederberg Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Zealous Nightingale Abandoned OutpostDaymar: Quizzical Yonath Abandoned OutpostYela: Silly Shoemaker Abandoned OutpostYela: Nice Lalande Abandoned OutpostWala: Sharp Chandrasekhar Abandoned OutpostLyria: Cool Volta Abandoned OutpostmicroTech: Raven's RoostHurston: Echo IslandDaymar: JumptownWala: Paradise CoveCalliope: Stupefied Aryabhata Crash SitemicroTech: Ecstatic Tharp Crash SitemicroTech: FrostbitemicroTech: Astor's ClearingmicroTech: Xenodochial Shockley Crash SitemicroTech: Ghost HollowArialArial: Elastic Brattain Crash SiteItaIta: Cranky Lederberg Crash SiteAberdeen: Focused Hipparchus Crash SiteMagdaMagda: Exciting Engelbart Crash SiteMagda: Dreamy Proskuriakova Crash SiteHurston: Finn's FollyHurston: Picker's FieldHurston: LudlowHurston: RappelHurston: Weeping CoveHurston: Maker's PointHurston: Cutter's RigCellinCellin: Priceless Hilbert Crash SiteDaymar: Charming Fermat CaveYelaYela: Hardcore Bardeen Crash SiteWalaWala: Bold Margulis Crash SiteWala: Angry Noether Crash SiteLyriaLyria: Vibrant Stonebraker Crash SiteLyria: Elegant Meninsky Crash SitemicroTech: Covalex Distribution Centre S4DC05Hurston: HDPC-CassilloHurston: Sakura Sun Magnolia WorkcentermicroTech: microTech Logistics Depot S4LD01microTech: Cry-Astro Processing Plant 34-12Hurston: HDPC-FarneswaymicroTech: Cry-Astro Processing Plant 19-02Hurston: Covalex Distribution Centre S1DC06Hurston: Greycat Stanton I Production Complex-BHurston: Dupree Industrial Manufacturing FacilitymicroTech: Sakura Sun Goldenrod WorkcentermicroTech: microTech Logistics Depot S4LD13microTech: Greycat Stanton IV Production Complex-ACellin: Security Post Kareah

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