Item Type: Light Armor
Damage Reduction: 20%
Carrying Capacity: 5K µSCU
Temp. Rating: -31 / 61 °C
Maintain your mobility with the Lynx combat armor. A high tech polymer weave allows the wearer to withstand enough damage to quickly escape danger. The suit's striking look became famous after being worn by the Seeker in the widely popular "Fire and Fury" vids of the mid-2800s.
Type: Char_Armor_Legs
Subtype: Light
Category: Outlaw_Legacy_Light Set_01 Texture_05 Color_20 SM_RestrictedArm
Carryable: yes
Volume: 72000 µSCU
Internal capacity: 5000 µSCU
Internal identifier: outlaw_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_05_20Found in: