Cargo Manifest MixedCargo_BountyShips_HighValue_Scraps(codename Crazy Eratosthenes)
Ship cargo capacity: between 5% and 10% full
Cargo: 5% to 10% full
Quantainium, Altruciatoxin, Medical Supplies, Scrap, Copper, Corundum, Quartz, Iron, Tungsten, Titanium
Resource | Chance per dice roll |
Quantainium | 1% |
Altruciatoxin | 2% |
Medical Supplies | 5% |
Scrap | 31% |
Copper | 10% |
Corundum | 10% |
Quartz | 10% |
Iron | 10% |
Tungsten | 10% |
Titanium | 10% |