Local time
UTC time
De facto PU time
Official universe time
AppointmentBounty HunterDeliveryECN AlertHaulingInvestigateInvestigationJobMaintenanceMercenaryMiningPriorityRacingResearchSalvageSearchService BeaconsThe most reliable way to identify a tracked mission is the internal name which is visible with r_displayinfo.


  Type: Appointment
(codename Happy Bose)
Internal name: PU_Pacheco_Invite

Organization: Tecia Pacheco

Availability: Everywhere

Marked as unavailable in LIVENO
Automatically offered by the mission brokerYESAutomatically offered by the mission broker
Personal offerNO
Shareable with partyNO
Must be cleanNO
Prison missionNO
Spawns NPC ship(s)NO
Spawns NPCs on footNO
Must haul cargoNO
Notify when availableNO


Max instances per server at any moment in time6
Max instance lifetime when offered in the mobiGlass5 minutes  ±2 minutes
Cooldown after completing1 minute  ±1 minute
Cooldown after abandoning/failing1 minute  ±1 minute

Mission locations


String parameters

ParameterPossible values
Like the title says, stop by and see me next time you're in Area18 and crimestat free.\n\nDon't keep me waiting.\n\n-Twitch
The boss gave me a heads up about something brewing on the horizon and I'm pretty sure you're gonna want a piece.\n\nGet your ass over to Area18 and I'll fill you in.\n\nJust make sure to clear any legal troubles first. Can't afford security sniffing around.\n\n-Twitch
Things are about to get busy and I'm gonna need some extra bodies who are crimestat free and willing to work hard.\n\nIf you stop by Area18 in time, I can see about cutting you in.\n\nJust find me when you get here.\n\n-Twitch
I might have a lead on some work, but only if you don't have security or advocacy chasing you.\n\nFind me next time you're in Area18 if you're interested.\n\n-Twitch
Time for a Visit
We Need to Talk
Come See Me
Let's Meet

Mission text
