(codename Stoic Elgamal)
Internal name: PU_ScrambleRace_NFR
This name is visible in
when the mission is tracked - it is the most reliable way to correctly identify it.Organization: Luca Brunt
Availability: Everywhere
Marked as unavailable in LIVE | YES | Not for release flag
Automatically offered by the mission broker | YES |
Unverified offer | YES |
Illegal | YES |
Shareable with party | NO |
Must be clean | YES |
Prison mission | NO |
Spawns NPC ship(s) | NO |
Spawns NPCs on foot | NO |
Must haul cargo | NO |
Notify when available | NO |
Max instances per server at any moment in time | 16 |
Max instances per player at any moment in time | 1 |
Max players that can accept the same instance | 1 |
Max instance lifetime when offered in the mobiGlass | 15 minutes |
Cooldown after completing | 1 minute ±1 minute |
Unverified Offer
Spawns NPC ships
Spawns NPCs on foot
Must haul cargo
Cargo loot
Rep Scope
Mission group
Mission locations
MDSE_RaceLocation |
Numeric parameters
Parameter | Possible values |
NoMissionLink_CheckpointGoalNumber | 0 |
NoMissionLink_CheckpointCount | 0 |
NoMissionLink_PrevCheckpointNumber | 0 |
NoMissionLink_LeaderScore | 0 |
NoMissionLink_RegisteredPlayers | 0 |
Int_BP_MustComeSecondReward | 1000 |
Int_BP_PickAndDestroyReward | 1000 |
Int_BP_RaceMustLastForXCheckpointsReward | 1000 |
Int_BP_RaceLastsForXCheckpoints | 0 |
Int_BP_EliminateSpecificRacerReward | 1000 |
Int_BP_ARacerSurvivesRaceReward | 1000 |
Int_BP_WinWithoutKillingRacer | 1000 |
Int_BP_XDamageToRacersInOrderReward | 1000 |
Int_BP_XDamageToCurrentTarget1 | 0 |
Int_BP_XDamageToCurrentTarget2 | 0 |
Int_BP_XDamageToCurrentTarget3 | 0 |
Int_BP_XDamageToCurrentTargetProxy | 1 2 3 |
Int_BP_XDamageThreshold | 0 |
Int_BP_XDamageToRacersCurrentNum | 0 |
Int_BP_XDamageToRacersTotalNum | 0 |
Int_BP_TakeCheckpointsXAndYReward | 1000 |
Int_BP_TakeCheckpointX | 0 |
Int_BP_TakeCheckpointY | 0 |
String parameters
Parameter | Possible values |
title | Scramble Race! (~mission(RaceType|Title)) |
description | You fast? You deadly? You looking to make some serious creds? Then I got the race for you.\n\nI'm talking a weapons free, old school scramble. Pilot a ~mission(RaceType|Short), collect checkpoints, steal points from the leader, and win big. Whoever gets enough points first is declared champion and gets a fat payout. 2nd and 3rd place even get prizes too. \n\nLet me know if you're interested, and I'll send you the starting coordinates once the race is set up. In the meanwhile, feel free to get your ~mission(RaceType) ready to go. ~mission(RaceType|ScrambleRaceASOP) |
CheckpointTakenString | Checkpoint ~mission(PrevCheckpointNumber) Taken by ~mission(CheckpointWinningPlayer) Checkpoint ~mission(PrevCheckpointNumber) Lost |
Mission text