Local time
UTC time
De facto PU time
Official universe time
(codename Jovial Boyle)
Internal name: PU_Collect_Covalex_Random
This name is visible in r_displayinfo when the mission is tracked - it is the most reliable way to correctly identify it.

Organization: Owner

Availability: Crusader

Marked as unavailable in LIVENO
Automatically offered by the mission brokerYESAutomatically offered by the mission broker
Unverified offerNO
Shareable with partyYESShareable with party
Must be cleanYESMust be clean
Prison missionNO
Spawns NPC ship(s)NO
Spawns NPCs on footNO
Must haul cargoNO
Notify when availableNO


Max instances per server at any moment in time2
Max instances per player at any moment in time1
Max players that can accept the same instance1
Max instance lifetime when offered in the mobiGlass45 minutes  ±15 minutes
Cooldown after completing5 minutes  ±5 minutes
Cooldown after abandoning/failing15 minutes  ±5 minutes
Unverified Offer
Spawns NPC ships
Spawns NPCs on foot
Must haul cargo
Cargo loot
Rep Scope

Mission group

Mission locations


String parameters

ParameterPossible values
Package #~mission(item|serialNumber)
Frustrated with Covalex
Complete Delivery Order
Finish Covalex Delivery
Need My Package Found
Waiting On My Package
Been waiting forever for Covalex to get their act together after the accident they had, but I just don't think it's going to happen at this point. Hoping you could go out to Gundo and grab my order for me. ~mission(Reference)~mission(Timed)I don't need you to take it all the way to me either. I arranged for shipment from ~mission(Destination) so all you'd have to do is leave it there at the front desk for me.\n\nThanks,\n~mission(Owner)
I had an important shipment with Covalex and apparently it was waiting at Gundo when they had that big accident there. They said the delivery was going to be delayed, but it's been months now and they're still telling me the same exact thing. No new information or anything. I'm losing a ton of money on this and the best they can offer me is an apology. Not good enough. Figure if they can't finish the delivery, I'll find someone who can. ~mission(Reference) Need it delivered to ~mission(Destination). ~mission(Timed)
Hey, a gift I ordered is stuck out on that Covalex station that exploded or whatever and now they say they can't deliver it. I'm really sorry about what happened there, but I already missed our anniversary and if I miss their birthday too, I'm gonna be dead. Basically, I need that box to be at ~mission(Destination) by any means necessary. ~mission(Reference) ~mission(Timed)
Look, we can all agree it was a real tragedy what happened out there at Gundo, and I'm sorry people lost their lives, but that doesn't mean I don't need my package delivered, right? And if Covalex isn't willing or able to do it, then I have every right to go and get delivered on my own. That only seems fair. ~mission(Reference)If you're interested, I'll need it taken to ~mission(Destination). ~mission(Timed)\n\nGood luck,\n~mission(Owner)
I'm in a bit of a bind. A delivery I've been expecting was rerouted through Covalex's Gundo station out near Crusader, but an accident there stopped all shipments. I tried getting a refund, but the company I ordered from says it's Covalex's fault, and Covalex says that their terms of service covers a delay like this. ~mission(Timed)I guess at this point I just want my package and I don't really care how I get it. Even to the point where I'm willing to pay the extra shipping to have someone just take it to ~mission(Destination) for me. ~mission(Reference)
I need someone with access to a ship to fly out to Covalex's Gundo station and take a box there to ~mission(Destination). ~mission(Reference)And before you get the wrong idea or anything, I'm not talking about stealing or anything, because it's my package. Covelex is just dragging their feet delivering it because of the investigation or safety or whatever excuse they're using. ~mission(Timed)
A package I ordered is stuck because of the accident that happened at Gundo. I paid good creds for this and now it's just sitting there gathering dust. Seems to me that if Covalex isn't gonna do anything about it, then I might as well pay someone to find it and take it to ~mission(Destination) for me. ~mission(Reference)~mission(Timed)
I am going crazy. Covalex keeps telling me that they delivered my package, but I didn't get it. The last routing information I have places it at their Gundo center, so I'm thinking that it got misplaced when they had the big accident there. ~mission(Item) If you could go check it out, I bet you anything that it's just sitting there. ~mission(Reference)If it is there, I'll pay to have you bring it to ~mission(Destination).
This whole thing has been taking so long, it'd be great to get this wrapped up as fast as possible. 
I've pretty much run out of patience at this point. Anything you can do to get the package to me as quickly as possible would be great. 
This delivery was urgent before the delay and now it's more so. Need it delivered yesterday. 
Not sure if there is anything you can do to save some time, but the faster you get the package to me the better. 

Mission text
