Neutralize Threat -or- Cleaning House -or- Hunting Party -or- Wet Work -or- Eliminate a Problem -or- Funeral Arrangements -or- Special Delivery for TargetName -or- Eliminate TargetName
AUEC12 KType: Mercenary(codename Gracious Williamson)
Internal name: PU_FPS_CAVE_Assassinate_Stanton2b
This name is visible in
when the mission is tracked - it is the most reliable way to correctly identify it.Organization: < / NOT AVAILABLE / > -or- PRIVATE SENDER -or- NOT LISTED -or- ** ERROR ** -or- ?????
Availability: Stanton
Marked as unavailable in LIVE | YES | Not for release flag
Automatically offered by the mission broker | NO |
Unverified offer | YES |
Illegal | NO |
Shareable with party | NO |
Must be clean | YES |
Prison mission | NO |
Spawns NPC ship(s) | NO |
Spawns NPCs on foot | NO |
Must haul cargo | NO |
Notify when available | NO |
Max instances per server at any moment in time | 4 |
Max instances per player at any moment in time | 1 |
Max players that can accept the same instance | 1 |
Max instance lifetime when offered in the mobiGlass | 45 minutes ±5 minutes |
Cooldown after completing | 10 minutes ±5 minutes |
Cooldown after abandoning/failing | 1 minute ±1 minute |
Unverified Offer
Spawns NPC ships
Spawns NPCs on foot
Must haul cargo
Cargo loot
Rep Scope
Mission group
Mission locations
MissionLocation | Cave System.Stanton.Crusader.Daymar Generic.Number.002 |
String parameters
Parameter | Possible values |
Contractor | < / NOT AVAILABLE / > PRIVATE SENDER NOT LISTED ** ERROR ** ????? |
Title | Neutralize Threat Cleaning House Hunting Party Wet Work Eliminate a Problem Funeral Arrangements Special Delivery for ~mission(TargetName) Eliminate ~mission(TargetName) |
Description | Looking for someone who doesn't mind getting their hands dirty. Not talking guild work or anything, just someone who's good enough to aim and squeeze. Got some good creds available to see ~mission(TargetName) permanently gone. \n\nStart looking at ~mission(Location). ~mission(MultiPlayer)~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) ~mission(Danger) Got a mess that needs cleaning up. Paying solid credits for it too. The mess goes by the name of ~mission(TargetName). ~mission(Danger) \n\nBuddy of mine saw them around ~mission(Location), but the rest is up to you. ~mission(MultiPlayer) ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) There's a price on ~mission(TargetName)'s head. ~mission(MultiPlayer)Credits go to whoever bags the bastard first. ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) I'd recommend starting at ~mission(Location) but hey, don't let me tell you how to do your job. ~mission(Danger) Guess who just got themselves placed onto the 'no-breathe-list'? Some dragger named ~mission(TargetName). Yeah, I never heard of them either, but better them than us, right? \n\n~mission(Danger) ~mission(MultiPlayer)Word is they've been haunting ~mission(Location) lately, so you'll probably want to start there. ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed)Good luck. I don't know what ~mission(TargetName) did, but they sure pissed off the wrong people. Credits go to whoever can give them a last lesson in manners straight through the head. ~mission(Danger) \n\nThere isn't much to go on, just some scattered sightings around ~mission(Location), so maybe start there. ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed)~mission(MultiPlayer)One last thing, the client wants you to say '~mission(Phrase).' when the trigger's pulled. Don't ask. Just do it. ~mission(TargetName) is breathing borrowed air. Time's come to punch their ticket for good. ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) I can give you ~mission(Location) but you have to provide your own transport and clean weapons. ~mission(Danger) ~mission(MultiPlayer) You know how they say the good die young? It's definitely true in this case. A hit's been put out on ~mission(TargetName), a local security thug that's hellbent on being a hero. ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) ~mission(Danger) ~mission(MultiPlayer) Why don't these security assholes ever learn to mind their own damn business? It's like they want to get murdered. Especially this one. Name's ~mission(TargetName). Been stirring up huge trouble lately, but you're gonna put a permanent end to that.\n\n~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) ~mission(MultiPlayer) ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationDanger) Knowing these security types, don't be surprised if they call for back up. About time someone put ~mission(TargetName) in their place. This security hackjob's been taking bribes to look the other way, but the greedy little idiot decided to raise the rates. Big mistake! \n\nNow instead of those credits going to pay the smug bastard off, they're being used to pay you to murder their ass. That's some poetic justice right there. ~mission(Danger) ~mission(MultiPlayer) ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) This bounty hunter by the name of ~mission(TargetName) made the mistake of messing with the wrong crew. They're looking to even the score and are offering pretty decent creds to whoever does the deed. ~mission(Danger) ~mission(MultiPlayer) ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) I love it. This is one of those classic 'the hunter has become the hunted' scenarios you always see on the spec. \n\nA big bounty's been placed on the head of bounty hunter ~mission(TargetName). ~mission(Danger) It'll be interesting to see how they like it when they tables are turned. ~mission(MultiPlayer) ~mission(Contractor|AssassinationTimed) |
AssassinationTimed | @procedural_text_null |
Danger | If even half the rumors about them are true, you're going to want to take them out long before they see you coming. Apparently, this is supposed to be one of the more dangerous hitters in the sector. Do not make the mistake of underestimating them. Make sure to bring your full arsenal when you go hunting. Something tells me you might need it to take them down. Word of warning, no way someone like ~mission(TargetName|Last) is going down easy. You want to take them out? Do it hard and fast. While you should be careful, cause you never know - my guess is that ~mission(TargetName|Last) is gonna drop easy. Poor sod chooses to fly solo and hardly ever bothers with anything more than a few escorts. As for gearing up for this little job, you shouldn't need anything out of the ordinary. ~mission(TargetName|Last) prefers to fly alone. I mean, for a real special occasion they might travel with a friend or two, but I'd be surprised. Apparently, there's a good chance this scav's not gonna be traveling alone either. Seems that their little multicrew ship hardly ever flies without at least one or two friends along for the trip. Word is that the small multicrew ship ~mission(TargetName|Last) captains is being guarded by a few hired escorts. Can't say for sure if it's true, but good to be careful just in case. Rumor has it that ~mission(TargetName|Last) typically travels with a full escort so be ready to hit hard. Even if you do get lucky and catch them alone, you'll still have their ship to deal with and supposedly they captain a bit of a beast. Make sure to bring your full arsenal when you go hunting. Since ~mission(TargetName|Last) usually captains a bigger multicrew ship and springs the extra credits for escort, something tells me you might need the extra firepower. |
Phrase | @procedural_text_null |
MultiPlayer | @procedural_text_null |
Mission text